Monochrome + Greyscale

Monochrome + Greyscale

The beauty of black and white is that by simply removing all colour and concentrating on a monochromatic design, it is enough to provide some much-needed tranquility to an interior. The designs may appear more simple at first glance, however there is a lot of light and shade with which we have played with when creating our designs.  

monochrome white grey black playmat totter and tumble

From the left: The Eclipse, The Trail Blazer, The Scout, The Astronomer


The Eclipse: a larger scale interpretation of the polka dot, reminiscent of lunar phases.

The Trailblazer: our modern leopard print designs, in grey tints.

The Scout: a bold spotty pattern which adds an element of playfulness.

The Astronomer: the darkest of our playmats, in a charcoal tone.